• Please make sure you carry a valid ID with you
• No refunds on purchased tickets are possible, even in case of any rescheduling.
• Management has the authority to use security measures, including frisking.
• No harmful or potentially dangerous items, such as but not limited to firearms, knives, guns, fireworks, helmets, bottles, or musical instruments, will be allowed in the venue; violators risk being thrown out.
• Any harm or damage resulting from the event is not the responsibility of the sponsors, performers, or organizers. Any resulting disputes would be resolved in Bangalore courts.
• People in an inebriated state may not be allowed entry.
• The event strictly enforces a No-Drugs policy. No narcotics or illegal substances will be accepted or permitted.
• Possession of drugs and other illegal substances is absolutely forbidden, and anyone caught doing so faces severe legal consequences.
• The event's organizers reserve the right to bar late entry
• Venue rules apply
• The management decision is Final